
Our vision is to establish an online repository that houses scholarly research papers and dissertations encompassing various design principles within the Indian context. By curating this comprehensive resource, we aim to promote knowledge sharing and academic excellence in the field of design in India.

A hub for scholarly research papers and dissertations encompassing various design principles within the unique context of India. Submitted at various levels of study from Diploma, UG, Masters, PhD and similar,  this comprehensive resource will showcase the diverse range of design disciplines and explore their intersection with Indian culture, heritage, and societal needs.

By curating this repository, we aim to foster knowledge sharing and academic excellence in the field of design in India. It will provide a platform for researchers, scholars, and students to contribute their valuable insights and findings, creating a rich collection of intellectual capital.

The repository will highlight cutting-edge research in areas such as sustainable design, inclusive design, traditional crafts, architectural design, urban planning, fashion, and digital design, among others. By emphasizing the Indian context, it will explore the nuances, challenges, and opportunities specific to the Indian design landscape.

Through this platform, researchers and scholars will have the opportunity to disseminate their work to a broader audience, enabling cross-disciplinary collaborations and inspiring further research. It will encourage the exchange of ideas, spark innovation, and contribute to the development of design theories and practices in India.

Additionally, the repository will serve as a valuable resource for students, educators, and professionals seeking in-depth knowledge and references in specific design principles. It will nurture a culture of academic excellence, promoting evidence-based design practices and raising the bar for design education and research in India.

Overall, our vision is to establish an online repository that not only showcases scholarly research but also catalyzes advancements in design thinking and practice in the Indian context. By promoting knowledge sharing, collaboration, and academic rigor, we aim to contribute to the growth and elevation of the design industry in India.